
React Native Monorepo

Setting up react native monorepo

Hello World

This is the first blog post here!

You can find me at /src/content/post/hello-world.md.

Here you can add/update/delete details and watch the changes live when running in develop mode.

The following is an example of a table of contents.

Table of contents

Using some markdown elements

You can have more markdown style guides in this page.

Code Blocks

Here we have a simple JavaScript code block.

let Testing = "I am a JavaScript code block.";

Syntax highlighting theme

This is styled by Prism, set via the config for Astro.

You can choose your own theme from this library, Grab a css file, drop it in /public/styles/**.css.

The current theme installed is Atom Dark.

Horizontal Line

Here is a horizontal rule.


Here is a list:

And an ordered list:

  1. Mills Lima
  2. Germo Sojh
  3. Luntok Christian


Here is a table:

ItemPrice# In stock
This is a table item10.55123
This is another table item420.6923

Tailwind CSS Prose styling

This is a simple Block Quote I’m styled by Tailwind CSS prose plugin